The California Conference of Arson Investigators (CCAI) aims to excel in meeting the training needs of the fire investigation industry and to be recognized as a leading training authority nationwide. CCAI’s foundation is built on delivering high-quality, relevant fire investigation training through various opportunities.

  • CCAI offers semi-annual training seminars with top instructors from across the country, providing the latest trends and technical information in fire and arson investigation. These three-and-a-half-day seminars cater to both public and private fire investigators and comply with NFPA 1033 standards.
  • Each spring, CCAI partners with Fresno City College to host the Fire Investigator Academy, which includes all four courses required to open a State Fire Training task book: Fire Investigation 1A, 1B, 1C, and PC 832-A.
  • CCAI also provides the State Fire Training (SFT) fire investigation series to many public agencies across California, ensuring they receive the best instructors for their needs.
  • Specialized courses offered include Evidence Collection and Expert Witness Testimony. The Evidence Collection course satisfies participants needs for certification in Task Books, while the Expert Witness Testimony course equips investigators with skills for court testimony and offers certification applicable to Task Books and further CFI designation.
  • A key aspect of CCAI’s program is the regional Roundtable meetings held monthly across the state. These meetings offer specialized training, peer reviews, and updates on local trends. CCAI supports these meetings with instructors and resources as needed.